ZV Design


Art from stone
Design and construction of houses, taverns, restaurants, and environments in the Mediterranean style. The restoration and renovation of buildings of stone. Supervision.
Umjetnost od kamena
Projektovanje i izgradnja kuæa, konoba, restorana, i ambijenata u mediteranskom stilu. Restauracija i adaptacija objekata od kamena. Nadzor.







Before & after
Examples of some areas look before and after my intervention:      
Genesis Admiral
  Here is how restaurant Admiral in Herceg Novi is originated:     Aged building on the pier in the investor wants to turn into an exclusive
Saving one oldest
  1. Old well, excavated 2. The goal: preserve the monolith 3. Top carefully bounded 4. Carefully lifted 5. Carefully shipped 6. Ready for
Sergej Cetkovic recorded a video fo rhis song'Half of my world' on the objects that I designed and created: in tavern Badanj, at the Sports airport
Interiors & Exteriors
There are so many things I have to adhere to when underatking any of my restoration or building works: age of the existing building, projected purposes,
My uniques

ZV Design

Art from stone
Design and construction of houses, taverns, restaurants, and environments in the Mediterranean style. The restoration and renovation of buildings of stone. Supervision.





Turistièka naselja


Prije i poslije
Primjeri kako su neki prostori izgledali prije i kako poslije - moje intervencije:      
Postanak Admirala
  Restoran Admiral u Herceg Novom ovako je nastao:    Vremešni objekat na mulu investitor je želio pretvoriti u ekskluzivni restoran. Sagledavanjem
Spašavanje 1. stariteta
  1. Stari bunar, otkopan 2. Cilj: oèuvati gornji monolit 3. Vrh je oprezno vezan 4. Pažljivo podignut 5. Oprezno utovaren 6. Spreman za
O kamenu na RTS
  Kamenu je posveæena emisija Radio-televzije Srbije. Sa akcentom na crnogorsko zidanje od kamena. Bili smo dominantni akteri dokumentarca.  
Enterijeri i eksterijeri
Objekat i ambijent osmišljavam zavisno od vremešnosti, namjene, postojeæeg stila, odabira materijala, dozvoljenog uklapanja, okruženja,
Moji unikati

Completed work is pretty sight, so take a look on some of them in my gallery:
Art from stone
Design and construction of houses, taverns, restaurants, and environments in the Mediterranean style. The restoration and renovation of buildings of stone. Supervision.
In the past it was the Austro-Hungarian customs. In the port of Herceg Novi. Family Lakiæeviæ wanted to become a catering facility. From old
Long Road
'Long Road' occupies the place of former 'RITZ-a'. The old environment of granite, plaster, chromium is removed. . . . Everything was replaced by
Instead of clothes boutique in Podgorica, there is wine bar Bocun now. Extremely cramped space had to have all the facilities that require special
Lupo di Mare
“Lupo di Mare” - fish restaurant in the center of Podgorica was made from watches shop completely destroyed inside. It consists of two levels
Cellar Vir
In the newly built house on Virpazar, the ground floor had to be shaped as a rustic tavern. I was hindered by the existing dimensions: steep stairs on
Rijeka’s inn
Walkway on the Rijeka Crnojevica is richer for another restaurant. Called the Rijecka gostiona (Rijeka's inn). The work was done in the house already
ZV Design



Very little, ungrateful for the work, the space in Podgorica, in Hercegovacka street, I devised and implemented as a coffee bar. Dubbed the 'Amici.

Hotel Palas
Hotel Palas is built in in Petrovac 1985. Materials from that period today are not popular. I was invited to contribute their ideas and refresh inside.


A gate in Brceli
A massive gates 'Brceli' An old inn in the village of Brceli used for the production of wine and grape brandy needed a door. We have built it as an
Beach bar Zalo
    At Herceg Novi's beach, below the citadel, we made an open bar. With the construction of old beams and roof tiles. Extends the full length is
Building in Przno
Base of building in Przno we covered with stone. In the 'rocked canvas' portal garage is surrounded with stone profiles. Two light holes as well.
Children's playroom was constructed for the purposes of Hotel Aleksandar in Budva. Some of the existing stone blocks in combination with a stone slab,
Work in progress

House made of stone
About my work in the 'Business Day' on Radio Television of Montenegro, Daniel Celecki package.   EgsJyW3hxhs|600|450|0
Fair in Budva
 Our stand at the Civil Engineering Fair in Budva was a pleasant surprise for many visitors at the end of September 2006. Attendance at the stand was
How to find
It is not easy to get to the preserved material with the 'spirit' of ancient times:      Ancient buildings & ruins are situated mainly far away from
Idea and execution
The old mill in Morinj, decrepit, derelict and processed. You can see how it looked and how we propose to look:  nacin_rada/idejna_rjesenja/album
Movie recording
Filmmakers were attracted to the ambience of the hotel Conte Perast, we aesthetic adapted. The scene is from the film 'Red Dawn', directed by Peter
Stone on RTS TV
  Show on Radio-and Television of Serbia dedicated to stone. With an emphasis on the Montenegrin masonry stone. We were dominant figures of the
Windows & jalousies

Doors & gates
Craft works
  There is a team of proven masters of their trades – traditional trades & I rely with every confidence on their services. Each of their products is
Završeno djelo je lijep prizor, pa u mojoj galeriji pogledajte neka:
Picerija Kalabrija
Autentièna kuæa „Mirkove varoši“ u Podgorici restauracijom je postala restoran – picerija.     Sanirana i izvorno saèuvana je samo èeona
Peèenjara Gurman
Peèenjara „Gurman“ u Mahali je prizemni objekat od kamena, drveta, i kovanog gvožða     Zadatak je bio da u prostoru ispod metalne
Otok Bronza
Restauracijom autentiène peraštanske kuæe, porodice Bronza, iz davne 1700-te, napravljena je konoba 'Otok Bronza' u Perastu. Oèuvani su
Al Posto Giusto
Želju vlasnika da ime restorana opravda ambijentom ostvario sam intervencijom 'na prostoru' u Igalu. Bivšu banku, zatim butik, preuredio sam u
Bakina kuæa
Davnašnja želja vlasnika ovog restorana bila je samo ime, sve ostalo prepušteno je meni. Poslovni prostor u kome je bio auto salon poslije 'upada'
U Virpazaru na Skadarskom jezeru dominira ljepotom konoba Badanj. Stogodišnjoj kuæi smo dali novi izgled. Ispod nje prokopan novi prostor do kog vode
ZV Design

ZV Design


Kamen u sobi
  Vlasnik stana u zgradi iz 50-tih, graðenoj klasiènim materijalom, htio je kamen i drvo u njemu. I, u dnevnoj sobi centralni zid je sada od kamena

Tek izgraðeno prizemlje kaskadne višespratnice trebalo je pretvoriti u kafe-restoran. Zahtjevan je elegantan stil od prirodnih materijala.

Butik 360
U prostoru nezavidnog oblika, nije se mogla zamijeniti postojeæa nimalo estetska bravarija. Ali naša mašta i . . . Ugraðeni su: stogodišnje grede,
Kameni izlog
Kuæa u Hercegovaèkoj ulici u Podgorici podignuta 1914-te prepravljena je. Bez narušavanja postojeæe forme. Zid s prozorom pretvoren je u izlog.
Zlatara Mikel
Zlatara porodice Nuleši je u kuæi sagraðenoj poèetkom prošlog vijeka. Restaurirana je tako da su geometrija i oblik graðevine ostali isti.  

Kuæa u Tomiæima
Restauriranoj kuæi u selu Tomiæi falila je autentièna stolarija. Sva vrata, prozori i škure namjenski su proizvedeni i ugraðeni, zajedno sa
Kuæa na Bioèu
Na Bioèu kod Podgorice, iznova je sagraðena kuæa od kamena. Materijal je sa sliènog objekta otkupljenog za tu namjenu sa lokaliteta udaljenog 30

Plaža Pješaèac
Na južnom dijelu Skadarskog jezera, ispod sela Godinje, na do tad nepristupaènom terenu, izgraðen je turistièki kompleks u crnogorskom etno
Radovi u toku

"Lokalni vampir"
Branko Baletiæ je snimio fllm 'Lokalni vampir' u taverni Badanj 2011-te.   60McJutYIok|600|450|0    zanimljivo/lokalni_vampir/album
Sajam u Budvi
Naš štand na Sajmu graðevinarstva u Budvi iznenadio je prijatno mnogobrojne posjetioce krajem septembra 2006 Posjeæenost štanda je bila velika.
Kako tražimo
  Nije lako doæi do oèuvane graðe sa 'duhom' starih vremena:       Stari objekti veæinom su van gradova i puteva. Stoga pretražujemo i iz
Stari mlin
Stari mlin u Morinju, oronuo, zapušten i doraðivan. Vidi se kako je izgledao i kako smo mi predložili da izgleda: nacin_rada/idejna_rjesenja/album
Snimanje filma
Sineasti su privuèeni ambijentom hotela Conte u Perastu, kojeg smo estetski adaptirali. Scena je sa snimanja filma 'Crvena Zora', u režiji Petera
  Sergej Æetkoviæ je spot za pjesmu 'Pola mog svijeta' snimao upravo na objektima koje sam radio: u Konobi Badanj, na Sportskom aerodromu (uskoro
Prozori i škure

Vrata i kapije
Zanatski radovi
  Tradicionalnim vještinama, pod mojim nadzorom, vrijedne zanatlije prirodne materijale pretvaraju u jedinstvena djela.    
Pizzeria Calabria
An authentic house of the former Prince Mirko’s downtown of Podgorica has been restored & adapted to a pizzeria.   The old building was deserted,
Gurman grill
Grill restaurant Gurman in Podgorica (Mahala) have a ground-floor structure. Built of stone, wood & wrought iron.   The task was to create the above
Otok Bronza
After restoration of an authentic house from from 1700 in the coastal town Perast, home of family Bronze in the past, become a tavern 'Bronze Island'.
Al Posto Giusto
  Owner's wish was to justify the name of the restaurant and environment. So I made an intervention on one 'the space' in Igalo. Former bank, then a
Granny's house
Unattainable desire of the owner of this restaurant was just a name, everything else left to me. After 'intrusion' od my team commercial space in which
In Virpazar on Skadar Lake with attractiveness is dominated tavern Badanj. Of course to the century old house we gave a new look. Below tavern we dug a
ZV Design

ZV Design

Apartments Skver
In Herceg Novi's shipyard multi story building had to fit in with local architecture and interior remodel in a slightly rustic ambience.   Forged fences
Apartment in Petrovac
At the top floor on the building in Petrovac is lovely view on the sea and whole Petrovac. I enhanced the design of an apartment at two levels. I
Ecological dwelling
Apartment in Podgorica, in the building from the 50's last century, was adjusted for me and my family. The building was built by German prisoners -
Stone in room
  The owner of an apartment in a residential house of the fifties wished to bring into his dwelling space something of a refined touch of stone and
Summer garden
How to bring beauty to an ordinary house of the seventies with a cartilage? An open-air summer rest area designed in a specific stylish manner, with a
New homestead
The surrounding area of a house in Podgorica marred by negligence is embellished now. The fence is a combination of stone slabs & a roughly rendered
Villa Oblaci
On the villa 'Oblaci' ('Clouds') were expected my intervention for finishing works. I made approach to the gate, summer kitchen and modern type cellar.
Just built ground floor cascade towers had to be converted in a cafe-restaurant. Requested an elegant style with natural materials. Needed to adapt
Wind Rose
At the invitation of the owner, resort in Dobre Vode was remodeled. With my ideas and actions. Plan was 'on the spray', without disturbing the
Hotel Conte
A stately Baroque palace in Perast, the Bay of Kotor: the famous Captain Martinovic’s Palace from 1630 has been adapted to suit the needs of a hotel.
Boutique 360
Within an area of a seemingly unusable shape where almost nothing could be done to renovate or replace the existing window & door frames or imagination
Showcase of stone
House in Hercegovacka street in Podgorica built and 1914-was revised. Without changing of existing forms. The wall with the window turned into a
Jewelry Mikel
  The goldsmith's shop of the Nulesi's in a house from the beginning of the last century. The building is largely a restoration but to its original
House in Tomici
In restored house in the village Tomici missed authentic woodwork. All doors, windows and shutters are specifically produced and built, along with
Villa Sutorman
The old stone house on Sutorman, above Bar, from 1925. had to be restored. Its owners (architects) gave to me responsible task: to make in old villa
Within a gasoline station, the Europact Company has built a terrace overlooking the sea coast. Amidst the ambience of architectural stone & marble,
Jardinieres in Budva
The Port of Budva needed larger jardinieres for palms. The material was already there. They had the idea to fit into the environment. Of the three
New terrace
Terrace in Podgorica owner wanted to adapt to family activities. Stone, wood, rustic mortar, forged fittings, lighting and appropriate colors have
Di Air
Corner assembly for pilots at the airport Golubovci, as wish of Dragan-Soro Ivancevic, is built from recycled material rescued from the ruined barracks
Pool in Podgorica
Roughly created pool and its environment needed finish works. I finalized with chiseled white and red stone.  
For the purposes of company 'Azmont Investments' project in Kumbor, I made a demonstration house of stone, with all the architecture of. This house
Family compound Ubli
Near Podgorica, in the village of Ubli, the owner had planned from its legacy of fathers to make a perfect place to live, with all the facilities.
In Old Town Kotor
Currently is being restored apartment in the old town of Kotor. It will be fully modified with the installation, floors, walls, lighting, furniture.
"Local vampire"
  Branko Baletiæ filmed movie 'Local vampire' in tavern Badanj 2011.   60McJutYIok|600|450|0    zanimljivo/lokalni_vampir/album
Completed work is pretty sight, so take a look on some of them in my gallery:

Nekadašnja austrougarska carinarnica na Hercegnovskom mulu po želji porodice Lakiæeviæ sada je ugostiteljski objekat. Zahtjevnim metodama, uz
Long Road
Novonapravljeni „LONG ROAD“ zauzeo je mjesto bivšeg „RITZ-a“. Stari ambijent od granita, gipsa, hroma… otstranjen je. Zamijenio ga je
Umjesto butika garderobe u Podgorici, nastao je vinski bar Bocun. Izuzetno skuèen prostor morao je imati sve sadržaje što je zahtijevalo posebnu
Lupo di Mare
Riblji restoran Lupo di Mare u centru Podgorice, nastao je preureðenjem prodavnice satova. Kompletno je porušen iznutra. Èine ga dva nivoa povezana
Konoba Vir
U novoizgradjenoj kuæi na Virpazaru, prizemni dio je trebalo oblikovati rustikom za potrebe konobe. Otežavali su postojeæi gabariti, strme stepenice
Rijeèka gostiona
Šetalište na Rijeci Crnojeviæa bogatije je za još jedan restoran. Nazvan Rijeèka gostiona. Uraðen je u veæ ozidanoj kuæi od kamena sa dosta
ZV Design

Galerija Dobrota
U luksuznom apartmanu, na obali u Boki, trebalo je napraviti galeriju. Predložena kombinacija metala i drveta prihvaæena je. Patos gornjeg nivoa, od
Apartman u Budvi
U prizemlju stambene zgrade u Budvi jedan od apartmana dobio je izgled koji nièim ne odaje da se nalazi u Starom gradu.     Unutrašnjost je prvo
Stan u Podgorici
Preureðenjem je stan dobio nov izgled. Prirodni materijali u modernijoj izvedbi dali su svoj peèat. Namještaj i osvjetljenje odabrao je vlasnik.  

Stan u Budvi
    Zapušten stan pod krovom viševjekovne budvanske palate vlasnik je namjerio pretvoriti u luxuzni apartman. Znao je sta neæe a nije šta hoæe.
Ograda u Virpazaru
Oko kuæe u Virpazaru izgraðene 50-tih godina nije bilo ograde. Napravljena je i usklaðena sa formom postojeæeg ambijenta. Strmi teren na kom je
Nova okuænica
Zapušteni okoliš kuæe u Podgorici uljepšan je. Ograda je kombinacija kamenih ploèa i grubog zida presjeèena mermernom bordurom.     Drvene
Porodièni kutak
Domaæin je htio stilski definisati svoje životno okruženje u Podgorici i dobio je mediteranski splet više segmenata. Ambijentu prilazimo kroz kapiju

Vrlo mali, nezahvalan za rad, prostor u Podgorici, u Hercegovaèkoj, osmislio sam i realizovao kao kafe bar. Nazvan 'Amici'. Spolja je spoj
Hotel Conte
Baroknu peraštansku palatu èuvenog kapetana Martinoviæa iz 1630 godine sadašnji vlasnik pretvorio je u hotel. Ulazi se s' trga, mora i iz stražnje

Viševjekovnoj Budvanskoj Citadeli, u prostoru koji je nekad bio rezervoar za vodu, trebao je juvelirski mobilijar. I napravljen je! U kombinaciji
Old Time
Poslije zemljotresa 1979, Budvanski stari grad sanirao se metodom zalivanja betonom unutrašnjih kamenih zidova.     Upravo u jedan takav prostor,
Pomoæna prostorija pod svodom viševjekovne kamene kuæe u Budvanskom starom gradu postala je - butik. Sa terase iznad, dignute su privremeno

Kuæa u Reževiæima
Grubo izgradjenoj kuæi u Reževiæima, nedostajala je spoljna završnica i okuænica. Kombinacijom arhitektonskog kamena i demit obloge, dobijena je
Vila Sutorman
Staru kamenu kuæu na Sutormanu iznad Bara iz 1925. trebalo je restaurirati. Njeni vlasnici, arhitekte, dodijelili su mi odgovoran zadatak. Da od
Kompanija Europact u okviru pumpe u Reževiæima napravila je terasu sa pogledom na more. U ambijentu od arhitektonskog kamena i mermera poželjeli su
Nova terasa
Terasu porodiène kuæe u Podgorici, vlasnik je želio prilagoditi porodiènim aktivnostima. Kamen, drvo, rustièni malter, kovani elementi,
Bazen u Podgorici
Grubo oformljen bazen i njegov okoliš trebali su završnicu. Uraðena je od štokovanog kamena a od crvenog su bazenska poklopna kapa i dio površina.

Ruža vjetrova
Na poziv vlasnika turistièkog naselja u Dobrim Vodama, krenuo sam u preoblikovanje dotadašnjeg odmarališta. Idejom i akcijom. Trebalo je na 'pjeni od
Rijeka gostiljska
Na rukavcu rjeèice Rijeka Gostiljska, koja se uliva u Skadarsko jezero, u toku je izgradnja tipiène prizemne kamene kuæe za sušenje ribe i
Na samoj obali mora, u mjestu Utjeha, pri kraju su radovi na lijepoj okuænici. Èini je natkrivena ljetnja kuhinja sa roštiljem i peæ na drva.
Kuæa na pjeni od mora
Na lokalitetu Ploèe, u Boki Kotorskoj, na jedinstvenom mjestu okruženom morem sa tri strane, poèeta je totalna restauracija stare ribarske kamene
U viševjekovnoj kuæi na Petrovaèkom šetalistu, nièe restoran u prizemlju.Na dva sprata iznad restauracijom biæe apartmani sa prakrasnim pogledom na

Projektovanje i izgradnja kuæa, konoba, restorana, i ambijenata u mediteranskom stilu. Restauracija i adaptacija objekata od kamena. Nadzor.
Kuæa od kamena
O mom radu u emisiji 'Radni dan' na Radio Televiziji Crne Gore, prilog Danijela Èeleckog.   EgsJyW3hxhs|600|450|0
Before & after
Examples of some areas look before and after my intervention:      
Genesis Admiral
  Here is how restaurant Admiral in Herceg Novi is originated:     Aged building on the pier in the investor wants to turn into an exclusive
Saving one oldest
  1. Old well, excavated 2. The goal: preserve the monolith 3. Top carefully bounded 4. Carefully lifted 5. Carefully shipped 6. Ready for
Stone on RTS TV
  Show on Radio-and Television of Serbia dedicated to stone. With an emphasis on the Montenegrin masonry stone. We were dominant figures of the
Plaža Pješaèac
Projektovanje i izgradnja kuæa, konoba, restorana, i ambijenata u mediteranskom stilu. Restauracija i adaptacija objekata od kamena. Nadzor.
Interiors & Exteriors
There are so many things I have to adhere to when underatking any of my restoration or building works: age of the existing building, projected purposes,
My uniques

ZV Design

Gallery Dobrota
The luxury apartment on the coast pf Boka Kotorska we had to make a gallery. The proposed combination of metal and wood has been accepted. The pathos
Apartment in Budva
 On the ground floor in residential building in Budva one of the apartments got the new look. From the photos nobody can guess that is located in Old
Apartment in Podgorica
Thanks to our reorganization apartment in Podgorica got a new look. Natural materials in modern design gave its seal. Furniture and lighting were
Apartment in Budva
    Unattended dwelling below roofing of palace in Budva owner decided to turn into de luxe apartment. He knew what he won't and not what he wants. He
Fence in Virpazar
The house separated by a fence from the busy street A residential house of the fifties had no fence. The fence has been constructed and shaped to relate
Croft in Tivat
Family house in Tivat, with many different styles inside, at the request of the owner we had make up in a Mediterranean look.     Aged grapes and
Family corner
The landlord wanted to define his style of environment in Podgorica as Mediterranean combination of several segments. We are coming in ambient a through
Pjesacac beach
It is in the southern part of Lake Skadar, in the immediate vicinity of the village of Godinje, that a new tourist complex has arisen in a formerly
Hotel Palas
U Petrovcu je 1985 izgradjen hotel Palas. Materijali korišæeni u tom periodu danas ne bi bili popularni. Pozvan sam da svojim idejama osvježim
With the centuries old citadel, in the area that was once a water tank, asked for jeweler furniture. I made it! In the combination of solid wood,
Old Time
After the earthquake in 1979, the Old town Budva is reconstructed by method of sealing the interior stone walls with concrete.     In particular
Extra space under the vault of the centuries-old stone-house in Budva's old city has become - a boutique. From the terrace above, temporarily existing
House on Bioce
This is rebuilt house stone house on the Bioce, near Podgorica, with material purchased from similar facility in village Parc 30 km far. I designed it
Vrata u Brèelima
Masivna luèna vrata 'Brèeli' Konobi u Brèelima za proizvodnju vina i rakije nedostajala su vrata. Uraðena su luèno, prateæi otvor u zidu. Ruèno
Plažni bar Žalo
    Na Hercegnovskoj plazi Žalo, ispod Citadele, napravljen je otvoreni bar. S konstrukcijom od starih greda i krovom od crijepa. Èitavom dužinom
Zgrada u Pržnu
Osnovu zgrade na Pržnu obložili smo kamenom. Na 'kamenom platnu' portal garaže oivièen je profilima od toga materijala takoðe. Dva svjetlosna
Za potrebe hotela Aleksandar u Budvi odraðena je igraonica za djecu. Nešto postojecih kamenih blokova u kombinaciji sa ploèastim kamenom, uz odabir
Rijeka gostiljska
On the branch of the river Gostiljska River, which flows into Lake Skadar, is being built the typical terrestrial stone houses for drying fish and
On the coast, in place Utjeha (Solace), at the end are the works on a beautiful garden. It makes the covered summer kitchen with barbecue and wood
The house on sea foam
At the locality Ploce, in the Bay of Kotor, on a unique place surrounded by sea from three sides, began a complete restoration of the old fishermen
In several centuries old house on Petrovac promenade, we are building a restaurant on the ground floor. On the two floors above, after restoration, will
Pizzeria Calabria
An authentic house of the former Prince Mirko’s downtown of Podgorica has been restored & adapted to a pizzeria.   The old building was deserted,
Gurman grill
Grill restaurant Gurman in Podgorica (Mahala) have a ground-floor structure. Built of stone, wood & wrought iron.   The task was to create the above
Otok Bronza
After restoration of an authentic house from from 1700 in the coastal town Perast, home of family Bronze in the past, become a tavern 'Bronze Island'.
Al Posto Giusto
  Owner's wish was to justify the name of the restaurant and environment. So I made an intervention on one 'the space' in Igalo. Former bank, then a
Granny's house
Unattainable desire of the owner of this restaurant was just a name, everything else left to me. After 'intrusion' od my team commercial space in which
In Virpazar on Skadar Lake with attractiveness is dominated tavern Badanj. Of course to the century old house we gave a new look. Below tavern we dug a

Apartmani Škver
Na Hercegnovskom Škveru višespratni objekat trebalo je uklopiti u okolnu arhitekturu, a unutrašnjost prepraviti u blago rustièan ambijent.    
Stan u Petrovcu
U zgradi na poslednjem spratu, sa lijepim pogledom na more i èitav Petrovac, dizajnerski sam oplemenio jedan od stanova. Na dva je nivoa. Centralni
Ekološki stan
Stan u Podgorici u zgradi iz 50-tih prošlog vijeka namijenio sam sebi i porodici. Zgradu su gradili su njemaèki zarobljenici, vrsni majstori.
Stone in room
  The owner of an apartment in a residential house of the fifties wished to bring into his dwelling space something of a refined touch of stone and

Ljetnja bašta
Kako uljepšati kuæu iz 70-tih okuænicom? Stilskom ljetnjom baštom, ostavom, ogradom, i uklapanjem sa postojeæim ambijentom.     Od kamena sa
Okuænica u Tivtu
Stilski raznoliku porodiènu kuæu u Tivtu po zahtjevu vlasnika trebalo je mediteranski upristojiti.     Vremešnu vinovu lozu i zarðalu metalnu
Vila Oblaci
Na vili 'Oblaci' u Podgorici trebale su moje intervencije kako bi njen završetak bio do kraja stilizovan. Uradio sam prilaz sa kapijama, ljetnju kuhinju
Just built ground floor cascade towers had to be converted in a cafe-restaurant. Requested an elegant style with natural materials. Needed to adapt

Boutique 360
Within an area of a seemingly unusable shape where almost nothing could be done to renovate or replace the existing window & door frames or imagination
Showcase of stone
House in Hercegovacka street in Podgorica built and 1914-was revised. Without changing of existing forms. The wall with the window turned into a
Jewelry Mikel
  The goldsmith's shop of the Nulesi's in a house from the beginning of the last century. The building is largely a restoration but to its original

House in Tomici
In restored house in the village Tomici missed authentic woodwork. All doors, windows and shutters are specifically produced and built, along with
House on Bioce
This is rebuilt house stone house on the Bioce, near Podgorica, with material purchased from similar facility in village Parc 30 km far. I designed it

Žardinjere u Budvi
Budvanskoj marini bile su potrebne veæe žardinjere za palme. Materijal je veæ postojao. Trebalo ih je idejom uklopiti u okolinu. Od tri vrste
Di Air
Kutak za okupljanje pilota na aerodromu Golubovci, po želji Dragana-Šora Ivanèeviæa, osmislio sam i uradio od recikliranog gradivnog materijala
Pjesacac beach
It is in the southern part of Lake Skadar, in the immediate vicinity of the village of Godinje, that a new tourist complex has arisen in a formerly
Work in progress

Za potrebe projekta firme „Azmont investments“ u Kumboru, uradio sam pokaznu kuæu od kamena, sa svom pripadajuæom arhitektonikom. Takva kuæa bi
Porodièno imanje Ubli
Nadomak Podgorice, u selu Ubli, vlasnik je namjerio od svoje ðedovine napraviti savršeno mjesto za život sa svim sadržajima. Nekoliko oronulih
Stan u starom Kotoru
U toku je restauracija stana u starom gradu u Kotoru. Biæe sa kompletno izmijenjenom instalacijom, podovima, zidovima, osvetljenjem, namještajem.
"Local vampire"
  Branko Baletiæ filmed movie 'Local vampire' in tavern Badanj 2011.   60McJutYIok|600|450|0    zanimljivo/lokalni_vampir/album
House made of stone
About my work in the 'Business Day' on Radio Television of Montenegro, Daniel Celecki package.   EgsJyW3hxhs|600|450|0
Fair in Budva
 Our stand at the Civil Engineering Fair in Budva was a pleasant surprise for many visitors at the end of September 2006. Attendance at the stand was
How to find
It is not easy to get to the preserved material with the 'spirit' of ancient times:      Ancient buildings & ruins are situated mainly far away from
Idea and execution
The old mill in Morinj, decrepit, derelict and processed. You can see how it looked and how we propose to look:  nacin_rada/idejna_rjesenja/album
Movie recording
Filmmakers were attracted to the ambience of the hotel Conte Perast, we aesthetic adapted. The scene is from the film 'Red Dawn', directed by Peter
Sergej Cetkovic recorded a video fo rhis song'Half of my world' on the objects that I designed and created: in tavern Badanj, at the Sports airport
Windows & jalousies

Doors & gates
Craft works
  There is a team of proven masters of their trades – traditional trades & I rely with every confidence on their services. Each of their products is
A gate in Brceli
A massive gates 'Brceli' An old inn in the village of Brceli used for the production of wine and grape brandy needed a door. We have built it as an
Building in Przno
Base of building in Przno we covered with stone. In the 'rocked canvas' portal garage is surrounded with stone profiles. Two light holes as well.
In the past it was the Austro-Hungarian customs. In the port of Herceg Novi. Family Lakiæeviæ wanted to become a catering facility. From old
Long Road
'Long Road' occupies the place of former 'RITZ-a'. The old environment of granite, plaster, chromium is removed. . . . Everything was replaced by
Instead of clothes boutique in Podgorica, there is wine bar Bocun now. Extremely cramped space had to have all the facilities that require special
Lupo di Mare
“Lupo di Mare” - fish restaurant in the center of Podgorica was made from watches shop completely destroyed inside. It consists of two levels
Cellar Vir
In the newly built house on Virpazar, the ground floor had to be shaped as a rustic tavern. I was hindered by the existing dimensions: steep stairs on
Rijeka’s inn
Walkway on the Rijeka Crnojevica is richer for another restaurant. Called the Rijecka gostiona (Rijeka's inn). The work was done in the house already
Gallery Dobrota
The luxury apartment on the coast pf Boka Kotorska we had to make a gallery. The proposed combination of metal and wood has been accepted. The pathos
Apartment in Budva
 On the ground floor in residential building in Budva one of the apartments got the new look. From the photos nobody can guess that is located in Old
Apartment in Podgorica
Thanks to our reorganization apartment in Podgorica got a new look. Natural materials in modern design gave its seal. Furniture and lighting were
Apartment in Budva
    Unattended dwelling below roofing of palace in Budva owner decided to turn into de luxe apartment. He knew what he won't and not what he wants. He
Fence in Virpazar
The house separated by a fence from the busy street A residential house of the fifties had no fence. The fence has been constructed and shaped to relate
New homestead
The surrounding area of a house in Podgorica marred by negligence is embellished now. The fence is a combination of stone slabs & a roughly rendered
Family corner
The landlord wanted to define his style of environment in Podgorica as Mediterranean combination of several segments. We are coming in ambient a through
Very little, ungrateful for the work, the space in Podgorica, in Hercegovacka street, I devised and implemented as a coffee bar. Dubbed the 'Amici.
Hotel Conte
A stately Baroque palace in Perast, the Bay of Kotor: the famous Captain Martinovic’s Palace from 1630 has been adapted to suit the needs of a hotel.
With the centuries old citadel, in the area that was once a water tank, asked for jeweler furniture. I made it! In the combination of solid wood,
Old Time
After the earthquake in 1979, the Old town Budva is reconstructed by method of sealing the interior stone walls with concrete.     In particular
Extra space under the vault of the centuries-old stone-house in Budva's old city has become - a boutique. From the terrace above, temporarily existing
House in Rezevici
Design and construction of houses, taverns, restaurants, and environments in the Mediterranean style. The restoration and renovation of buildings of stone. Supervision.
Villa Sutorman
The old stone house on Sutorman, above Bar, from 1925. had to be restored. Its owners (architects) gave to me responsible task: to make in old villa
Within a gasoline station, the Europact Company has built a terrace overlooking the sea coast. Amidst the ambience of architectural stone & marble,
New terrace
Terrace in Podgorica owner wanted to adapt to family activities. Stone, wood, rustic mortar, forged fittings, lighting and appropriate colors have
Pool in Podgorica
Roughly created pool and its environment needed finish works. I finalized with chiseled white and red stone.  
Wind Rose
At the invitation of the owner, resort in Dobre Vode was remodeled. With my ideas and actions. Plan was 'on the spray', without disturbing the
Rijeka gostiljska
On the branch of the river Gostiljska River, which flows into Lake Skadar, is being built the typical terrestrial stone houses for drying fish and
On the coast, in place Utjeha (Solace), at the end are the works on a beautiful garden. It makes the covered summer kitchen with barbecue and wood
The house on sea foam
At the locality Ploce, in the Bay of Kotor, on a unique place surrounded by sea from three sides, began a complete restoration of the old fishermen
In several centuries old house on Petrovac promenade, we are building a restaurant on the ground floor. On the two floors above, after restoration, will
Hotel Palas
Hotel Palas is built in in Petrovac 1985. Materials from that period today are not popular. I was invited to contribute their ideas and refresh inside.
Beach bar Zalo
    At Herceg Novi's beach, below the citadel, we made an open bar. With the construction of old beams and roof tiles. Extends the full length is
Children's playroom was constructed for the purposes of Hotel Aleksandar in Budva. Some of the existing stone blocks in combination with a stone slab,
Apartments Skver
In Herceg Novi's shipyard multi story building had to fit in with local architecture and interior remodel in a slightly rustic ambience.   Forged fences
Apartment in Petrovac
At the top floor on the building in Petrovac is lovely view on the sea and whole Petrovac. I enhanced the design of an apartment at two levels. I
Ecological dwelling
Apartment in Podgorica, in the building from the 50's last century, was adjusted for me and my family. The building was built by German prisoners -
Summer garden
How to bring beauty to an ordinary house of the seventies with a cartilage? An open-air summer rest area designed in a specific stylish manner, with a
Croft in Tivat
Family house in Tivat, with many different styles inside, at the request of the owner we had make up in a Mediterranean look.     Aged grapes and
Villa Oblaci
On the villa 'Oblaci' ('Clouds') were expected my intervention for finishing works. I made approach to the gate, summer kitchen and modern type cellar.
Jardinieres in Budva
The Port of Budva needed larger jardinieres for palms. The material was already there. They had the idea to fit into the environment. Of the three
Di Air
Corner assembly for pilots at the airport Golubovci, as wish of Dragan-Soro Ivancevic, is built from recycled material rescued from the ruined barracks
For the purposes of company 'Azmont Investments' project in Kumbor, I made a demonstration house of stone, with all the architecture of. This house
Family compound Ubli
Near Podgorica, in the village of Ubli, the owner had planned from its legacy of fathers to make a perfect place to live, with all the facilities.
In Old Town Kotor
Currently is being restored apartment in the old town of Kotor. It will be fully modified with the installation, floors, walls, lighting, furniture.