ZV Design


Jewelry Mikel


The goldsmith's shop of the Nulesi's in a house from the beginning of the last century. The building is largely a restoration but to its original geometry & shape.



The façade has been constructed anew with dressed stones - the material from a hundred-year old house has been bought up to match in color & type that of the old house The entrance door is situated to the left & recessed in order to enable better visibility of shop windows.



Vertical dressed stones end in capitals. A sliding metal-grid shutter is hidden behind. The door sill is made of grey stone, while the shop floor is paved with reddish stone slabs, bush-hammered & with crashed edges. Desks & furniture made of cherry-tree with Victorian ornaments match perfectly the floor design (by La Mark).


the entrance doorinterior


An iron grid in front has a frame of dressed stone, with a metal box on the wall aesthetically adapted to the stone façade. The style of the gate situated to the right equals that of the rest of the house.


small door built in the wallmassive gate to the right of the buildingjardinière


The Nulesi's has contributed notably to the beauty of the building, sparing no effort or money.